How can I get a temporary/guest laptop?

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The ICG owns a couple of spare laptops to be used by ICG members and guests if needed on a short-term basis (e.g. in case of a hardware failure of own equipment, an internal or external conference, etc.).

Available Laptops

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Our laptop pool currently consists of a few PC laptops running CentOS 7 & Windows 7 as well as a few older MacBooks running MacOS X. An overview about the hardware and software specs can be found HERE.

Order/Get a Laptop

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In order to get one of these laptops, you simply have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the online Guest Laptop Reservation Form and submit your request. It will be processed as soon as possible and, if possible, a fitting laptop will be reserved/prepared for you.
    Do not forget to fill in any special requirements you may have (hardware & software) in the comment section.
  2. Come to the ICG IT office (DS 2.04) to pick up your laptop at the checkout date (maybe give the ICG IT support a short notice to make sure that there is somebody there).
  3. Sign the Checkout form & take your laptop (the same form will be counter-signed by a member of the ICG IT support when you return the laptop later on).


That’s all. For any questions, as always, contact your friendly ICG IT support staff 🙂

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