ICG Printers

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Following the new Staff Printing Policy the University is undergoing a staff printer rationalisation process. We have already moved 34 buildings across to the new model (from which 324 printers have been removed). We aim to complete the project by July 23.

 www.port.ac.uk/staffprinting provides more background on the project and we also have a dashboard to show progress and highlight savings made so far.

 All printing will be sent to a virtual print queue, VR-Staff-Print, and can be collected from any staff print station around the University.  The new print stations have staff card release, so sensitive material will be securely released.

 Instructions for a standard Windows machine.

 Instructions for a Linux machine.

 Instructions for a Mac, BYOD or non-standard staff Windows machine.  Please note that this is only for staff, not students, and only for non-standard machines – do not try to use this on a standard Windows device.  For Windows you select which queue you want to install, but for OSX it will install every queue which has been added to Mobility Print.  Once setup, you will be prompted to login with your uni username and password.  NOTE: This will not install the PaperCut client, and when you print to VR-Staff-Print, it will not notify you that your print job is held in a queue.  You just need to go to the printer and release your print.

 In Dennis Sciama Building, the staff print station will be in the 2nd floor corridor and we intend to change over to VR-Staff-Print on 21st June.  Other printers, e.g. in DS3.15 and staff offices, will be retired.

 Please contact the Service Desk on 7777 if you need support with printing to VR-Staff-Print.

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