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To request access to the JupyterLab server please send an email to sciama-support@port.ac.uk. You must already have a Sciama account and know your password.


To log in to the server go to https://jupyter.sciama.icg.port.ac.uk (you will get a warning regarding the SSL certificate, this is because it is a self signed certificate and can be safely added to the exception list) and log in with your Sciama credentials.

Once logged in you will be presented with a Server Options page, as below. From the drop down menu you can choose to run a lab on the JupyterHub server or on one of the Sciama nodes.  Select a job profile depending on your resource requirements and click start.

If you’ve selected a Sciama queue node it may take a while for the job to run and start the resources, it will timeout after 5 minutes in which case you can try again or try a different queue.

Once your server is running you will see the tree showing your local directory on Sciama.  From here you can upload files or start a new notebook, or terminal or open a notebook by clicking on the .ipynb file you’ve already created.

Alternatively, if you prefer the lab view remove tree at the end of the url to lab.

jupyter.sciama.icg.port.ac.uk/user/tmaule/tree  to jupyter.sciama.icg.port.ac.uk/user/tmaule/lab

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