Sciama Storage Policy for Users

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The Sciama environment was provisioned to provide a platform for complex numerical computations. Ample storage has been made available to assure temporary space for the most demanding of tasks.There are two storage areas on Sciama. There is an area for home accounts and an area for project data. Although quotas are not enforced the suggested limit on home areas is 10GBytes. The project area (also known as Lustre) can be of any size (TBytes) but is strictly for transient data. This means that data is copied to the project area, processed and then deleted with any important resulting data copied back to the original source.One reason we have to enforce this policy is that data on Sciama is not backed up. Users should not assume that data in the environment is protected in the event of a serious outage.
Disk space will be automatically monitored and any anomalies flagged to Sciama support. A monthly management meeting will discuss any necessary escalations and will approve data deletion (after warnings) where appropriate.

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